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倉敷意匠 綿ニット デッシュクロス (ベージュ) 11253-02
商品仕様: タテ約36×ヨコ約36cm 綿100% 和歌山県 商品説明: 綿ニットのデッシュクロス食器拭きとして、、、ニット製品の為、布帛とは異なり、何枚かにたたんで手の中に収めた時の弾力が非常に使いやすく、布帛と比較しても吸水量が多く、たくさんの食器を拭くことができます。
Product specifications: Vertical approximately 36* side approximately 36cm 100-percent-cotton Wakayama Product explanation: デッシュクロス of the cotton knit As a tea cloth, For a knit product, it is easy to use elasticity when I fold it how many it is and put it in a hand unlike a cloth very, and water absorption quantity can wipe most, the tableware that there is many it even if I compare it with the cloth. As washing-up, As there is not thickness, it goes along the finger-tip and is careful to the relationship of the pan and the back of the cover properly if I use it for washing-up and can trim the dirt in the 洗 comfort that I did well, too. In addition, dehydration is earlier than a sponge and is hygienic as various germs are hard to propagate.メーカー取り寄せ品
- 商品価格:660円
- レビュー件数:0件
- レビュー平均:0